Sunday 18 January 2009

a bit windy

what a night we had last night! the weather forecast had been bad for the weekend and northern ireland was to get the worst of it, so we battoned down the hatches and spent the evening watching tv and keeping the fire will stoked and the candles burning (the electric was flicking and we light a few candles incase it went out and we wouldn't be left in the dark) and the boys and i just put the night in without doing very much of anything - and keeping an eye on the rabbit as the last big storm the hutch sailed around the yard but all was ok this time. so tonight because i sat at the fire and warmed my toes i have a mountain of ironing to do!!!! and most of these are hubbys shirts which are my least fave things on the ironing board........
so peeps have a good weekend and on with the housework (sorry for the use of the bad words 'ironing' and 'housework')

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